Pan African Endoscopic Ear Surgeons Federation:
So far, the federation started under the Egyptian ORL society and the EWGEES branch from the IWGEES.. In the near future, the African Federation will become autonomous and will group all the African Endoscopic Ear Surgery groups or society. That is why I see that the PAEESF will become the main trunk of the tree and all the other groups in each country will become branches of the PAEESF which is in turn a branch of the IWGEES.
Founding members of the PAEESF
- Hassan Chelly – Morocco : African French speaking countries coordinator
- Nazik Elfadil – Sudan
- Yazid Yazibene – Algeria
- Olfa Ben Gamra – Tunis
- Mashudu Tshifularo – South Africa
- Estie Myer – South Africa
- Zubair Doolarkhan – South Africa
- Chimmy Olende – Kenya
- Tamer Ebeid – Egypt
- Waleed Moneir – Egypt : General Secretary
- Osama Abdel Naseer – Egypt : Executive president
- Samy Elwany – Egypt : Federation chief
- Mohamed Badr-El-dine – Egypt : Scientific board President